Saturday, May 8, 2010

Clean House, Clean Mind

A clean house leads to a clean mind... (unknown)

If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?  Dr. Laurence J. Peter
Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world.  George Bernard Shaw

Cleaning house today.  Even folded all of the sheets & pillowcases in my linen dresser, sorted by color, flat, fitted, tablecloths.  I got bit by the bug this morning.  I'm not sure why but I needed to get a hold of things in this house, and this morning I woke up with energy to spare to organize:

Today I:
  • took all of my clothes out of the clean laundry baskets (notice the plural), 
  • hung everything up, 
  • folded and sorted,
  • reorganized my dresser, 
  • unstopped the bathroom sink, 
  • sorted all of my school paper,
  • got rid of all the extra paper,
  • shredded my old bills,
  • washed the floor in my entryway, 
  • and there is still so much to do.
My bedroom has too much in it: too many clothes, too many books, too many papers, too many junk boxes. Another day I guess!  I'm taking the next few weeks to put myself back together.  I've finally figured out that if the right habits aren't in place when I get stressed, things get out of control.  

I'm working on these things so that when I get stressed by school, by Mom and her stuff, or by my own health stuff, I'll be ready and able to carry on with my good habits.  They say it takes 21 days to make a habit.  I'm on the 10th day at this point.  So, more to go, but I'll get there.
  • Eating right (I'm doing a modified Atkins/South Beach Diet)
  • Green Smoothies daily
  • Exercising daily (still working on this one)
  • Keeping organized
  • Doing the dishes when I use them
  • Hanging up clothes when I take them off
  • Keeping the laundry going
Wish me luck! 

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