Sunday, September 12, 2010

Keep Dreaming of Your Future (Past)

I went to the Brimfield Antique Show today in Brimfield, Massachusetts.  It's a world famous antique show famous for it's treasures hidden among the estate junk and dealers willing to haggle on prices.  As today was the last day of the show for the year, there were many bargains to be had.

My friend Karen and I went mostly to shoot some photography, and perchance to find a treasure we didn't know we needed. 

Antique shows make me think of the lives that the people who owned these things lived.  I often think I could be happy living in just about any situation.  I like to dream what it would be like to have owned the item, what part of my life would it be?  There are so many great characters whose stories are waiting to be told.  Will you imagine with me?  If you like my thoughts, please add your own.  I'd love to hear your stories too.
Sitting by the fire darning socks for a loved one.

Carefully tuning the radio to the dance station as I cook in my 50's kitchen.

The cupboard full of necessities.

The most important item.

Helping to unload the newest shipments at the General store.

Picking up my monthly order of ginger beer from Lunenburg...

Dreaming of the next vibrant place of exploration.

Helping to load the ropes to hoist our sails.

Marveling at the colors and life down on the docks.

Learning all I need to know in the many experiences of life.

What do you think?  I left with only a full tummy and a full memory card, but I still found many treasures.


  1. Lovely post, great photos. I spent Saturday in a museum in Wales that had lots of wonderful objects too. Wonder what things of today people will be looking at in 100 years time!

  2. I agree...old iphones, mp3 players, ipads, Jimmy Choos, Kindles and gaudy fashion? I much prefer today's vintage :)
