Sunday, May 22, 2011

Have you heard of the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen?

Well over here in Boston, I've been taking these guidelines to heart!  The clean 15 and the dirty 12 are lists of fruits and vegetables that have either a low pesticide ratio (clean 15), or a high pesticide ratio (dirty 12) when bought as conventional produce.  It is suggested that we buy items on the dirty dozen list in organic form if possible to cut back on the amount of pesticide in our systems.  So, I've been experimenting with some of the "cleaner" fruits and vegetables on the Clean 15 this weekend, to get ready for the week, and to save some money.  By the way, if you want the list, here's a great link to The Environmental Working Group which created and maintains the lists.

First up, I'm trying to more proactive and prepare some meal options for my work week.  Today it was Roasted Broccoli for munching and on salads.  (Broccoli is on the Clean 15, so I bought a big bag of Conventional at Costco).

Wash some broccoli florets, and then sprinkle on as much spice as you can handle!  I tossed my florets with garlic, chili powder and salt & pepper.  Put them in a 425 degree oven for about 18 to 20 minutes.  

Toss them halfway through so that they get browned all over.  

I hope you like them as much as I do. 

While these were cooking, I got a craving for something sweet.  I had frozen banana and mango in the freezer, so I whirled them up together in my food processor.  Did you know that frozen fruit makes a great soft-serve? (Mango and Banana are both also on the Clean 15!)

Then, I added the cacoa nibs pieces.

So good, even on a cold day!

What have you been up to lately?  Cooking anything fun?  Share your latest favorite?

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