Saturday, July 23, 2011

Surprise, Surprise!

You got me good!  I showed up last Saturday to my Dad's in Duxbury for a beach day with a few good friends.  Instead, I walked in to a surprise 40th birthday party for ME!  I was shocked, standing there in my bathing suit, hair up in a clip, not a stitch of makeup on...

My friends starting coming out of the woodwork - friends from kindergarten, high school, and my more recent escapades.  I wish we had gotten a picture of everyone together, but I can see them all in my head.

There's one now.  This is my friend Christie, who was one of the instigators for this shin-dig!

We had a great day, drinking cocktails on the veranda, playing bocce (I lost) on the back lawn, and eating the wonderful food served up by my family and friends.  People brought food to share, and I enjoyed every bit of it!

Have you met my sister?  This is Meggie.  Here we are at 5 and 7. 

And now.

For dessert we had a great Lemon & Raspberry Cake from Whole Foods.  They did a great job, and I made a few wishes for the year ahead. 

I know that my 40th year will be a good one, full of adventures and many more surprises.  I can't wait!

Coming up soon - my new 40 at 40 list.   Leave me a suggestion, will you? :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I greatly enjoyed browsing your blog today. Power onward with being the authentic, "YOU"! You are inspiring in many ways within of your blog. I would also enjoy swapping links with you should you be interested. I am in Texas but travel a lot to Boston.
    I look forward to hearing from you when time allows.
    Many smiles and a belated "Happy Birthday.
    Mira Faraday
