Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow is in the Air!

I love snow. I love Winter! I woke up yesterday to 7 inches of snow here in the Boston area. I couldn't wait to get out of the house and into the weather so I took myself for a snowshoeless hike in the woods. Two hours later I made my way back to my car full of fresh air,
rosy cheeks, calmness to the center of my being and a dead camera battery.

Want to join me on my hike? I thought of you the whole time... LOL

I am gearing up for Christmas now, prepping myself for the high level of family dysfunction I can expect. I find it is helpful to be prepared, and then hopefully everything will go better than I expect! I'll be doing the typical divorced kid Christmas... Christmas Eve with Mom, Christmas Day with Dad and lots of driving over the next few days. I am looking forward to watching my nieces and nephews open their presents (no adult presents this year) and some good food. I plan to rest up this weekend to recover and get ready for New Years! I can't believe we are already talking about New Years...

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