Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Need a little healing?

Have you been feeling sluggish lately?  Or sad?  Or insecure?  Worried about money?  It might be time for a Chakra Healing!  This week was tough for me.  I'm not even sure if there is one reason, but I think there have been a lot of things I've been trying to get over.  Mom's death.  Money issues. Depression.  This weekend is Mother's Day.  My mom's house is going on the market on Cinco de Mayo.  Too much, too much!  I give up!  So, I had to do SOMETHING.

Have you heard of Goddess Leonie?  I'm a member of her Goddess Circle, which means I have access to all of her meditations, workbooks, and videos during my year membership.  Feeling really quite out of it, I decided to give the Chakra Healing Meditation & book a try.  It was so amazing!    Whether it's needing a boost, or wanting to draw on other's creativity and inspiration, I always find what I need at her site.  

I did the meditation using the .mp3, and found it really positive experience. (BTW, I usually meditate lying down.  Somehow it's the most comfortable for me.  So, however you meditate, just meditate!  It all works!) 

I've been carrying a lot of pain around about losing my mom, and really trying not to share it too often with my friends and family. I sort of feel like people want me to "get over it".  But, I am not there yet.  During my meditation, there was a point when we came upon a healing goddess of our very own.  In my meditation, my heart and head had her say "Come, let me take away your pain.", and took me into her arms for a grandmotherly embrace.  "Let me take away your pain" was my mind's way of telling me that it was time to let someone else in. To share my pain with others, as it is the only way that pain will start to lessen.  It was such a comfortable place to let everything go.  I was meditating and crying at the same time, letting the healing take place.  

After the meditation, I went and got some new crystals at my local new agey store. I chose some especially  based on my chakra points feeling out of whack.  I've always been drawn to stones.  I pick them up at the beach, on hikes, or just from a favorite natural store.  My favorite is the Orange Calcite (I also love it because I think it looks like a real piece of orange.  Yum.)  

It's hopeful, and it is purported to have some of these properties:  energy amplifier, removes negative energy from us and our environs, brings in new energy, light, happiness and light, reduce depression through positive thought.  It's also good for bumping up your creativity and sensuality!   Ooh la la!

The other stones I purchased are:
Rhodonite, Tigers Eye, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Angelite.  Aren't they pretty?  

Each one has different properties to help with whatever I may need in the moment.  Sometimes I'll stick one in my pocket or purse, and find it there during the day reminding me that I am supported.

Don't forget to check out the rest of Goddess Leonie's goodies.  She's got decluttering meditations, sleep meditations and many more.

Have you ever tried meditating?  What was your experience?  No judgement here! :)

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