Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Berry Torte

We had a bit of a storm here in Boston last weekend, so I lost my electricity for 2 days.  Fridge had to be emptied (nothing like a storm to get me to clean out my fridge!)   I've been hiding in the dark, so I apologize for my quietness over here! 

Last Saturday, preparing for Hurricane Irene to show up, I realized I had to come up with a dessert for Kristine's dinner party!  I found this recipe on Pinterest (my new favorite idea store).  Jonna from over at Just Get Off Your Butt and Bake had a recipe for a Triple Berry Torte this week.  (By the way, is there a better name for a cooking/baking blog than that?).

We already had a Peanut Butter Pie on deck for dessert, but we wanted one more, and I had fresh berries to use!  This Torte is the easiest thing in the world, and I think that I will be using her recipe base for many other concoctions to come. My pictures did not come as nearly as pretty as hers, but that's what happens when it's stormy and dark outside!

The simplest of ingredients!  

Puff Pastry, Fruit of your choosing, an Egg, and Turbinado Sugar for making it pretty!

As you can see, the puff pastry really spread out under the weight of the melting berry mixture.  But, it was delicious!

Give her recipe a try!  The Puff Pastry base has so many options for fillings.  Apples, Peaches, Cinnamon Sugar.  

I see a cardamom cranberry/apple torte in my future...

Have a great Labor Day weekend!  And come visit me on Pinterest

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