Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Lump in the Bed

Last night as I was tucking in my niece B, we shared a moment. She
had scooted all the way over to the wall, and as I went to tuck the
blanket around her, I remembered a wonderful memory of my mom. I
distinctly remember lying in her bed and her trying to make it around
me. But instead, she would make it with me in it, and then wonder
aloud about all the lumps and bumps. She would poke and prod to get
the lumps out, me giggling underneath.

Last night, B and I played the same game. She was tickled to be
thought a lump in the bed, and each time I flung back the covers to
find her there, she said, "Do that again!" She didn't make a sound as
the lump, and her eyes were bright with mischief. I told her how my
mom had played this game with me, and she asked, "Did you play the
lump with your mom?" My niece will never truly know my mom. She
passed when she was too little to have very many memories. But she
will know some of the stories that include my mom, experience them
through me, and make new memories with my mom that way.

After I had tucked B in for the last time, she asked me to lie with
her and pretend to go to sleep. We snored loudly, and closed our
eyes, each checking to be sure the other's eyes were closed. Soon, B
really was asleep and I snuck out. I am so grateful to have these
girls in my life. The everyday family moments they include me in are
warm and intimate. My nieces bring such joy and love, and my
connections with them sustain me in my everyday.

Below, an example of "Teamwork". A was helping B to color in all of
her acorns. :)

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