Sunday, September 26, 2010

How do you spell R-E-L-I-E-F?

I am so relieved.  In order to be fully enrolled in my Masters program, I had to take and pass the MTEL exam (Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure).  Yesterday I took the Communications & Literacy exam (both the writing and reading subtests). 

It was really weird, as a lot of the people there were there to take the exam for the 3rd, 4th, etc. times because they did not pass the other times.   I also got a lot of “God bless you”, and “Good luck” from folks, because most people don’t take the writing and reading subtests on the same day, especially not in the same 4 hour period.  But again, I’ve been trying to proceed on my Masters degree, and I can’t go any further until I have a passing score on these.  So, I pushed on...

The reading exam only took me an hour, but the writing exam took the full three hours left, and I’m still not sure that my final essay was as perfect as it could be. 

I won’t have my results until early November, but I’m hopeful that I might have passed both tests on my first try. 

I've been studying for this exam most of the last month, meaning absolutely no free reading time.  So last night I gave myself a treat.  I read the book "Love in Mid Air" by Kim Wright from cover to cover before hitting the sheets.  It was about a woman that meets a guy on an airplane and starts an affair with him.  I think I was intrigued because I've done that myself.  Okay, not an affair, but a long-term relationship.  And I still think airports and airplanes are fun places to meet people.  :) Unfortunately no travel planned yet...I might have to change that.

I was so spent from studying and worrying about the exam the past few weeks that last night I fell asleep at 11pm, and didn’t wake up today until 10am. 

Back to real homework tomorrow, but I hope you're having a great weekend.  (Oh yes, my #1 key is broken on my laptop, so my use of exclamation points is very limited.  I have realized, however, how often I used to use them.  :)  See, I wanted to use one right there and I couldn't...

1 comment:

  1. Jeanne,
    I was really moved by your post on the I am Enough collaborative web site. I don't know you, but I know that you are brave, and vulnerable and beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

