Friday, November 5, 2010

Gearing Up!

Hi all! Happy Friday to you!   I made it through the week helping with my nieces night and day, and I am wiped out! But, I have my 5K run/walk tomorrow, so no rest for the weary.  I've gotten a few questions about my gear and prep for race day, so I thought I'd share a few things with you.

I have not linked anything with my Amazon Associates account or any other click program, so click with abandon! :)

My music: Please see my playlist post here. Just put it on shuffle, and off I go!

My mp3 player:
I know, I know, it's not a iPod. It's a Sandisk Sansa 8GB Clip. And I love it. It was inexpensive, it has 8gb of storage, and I don't need any of the other bells and whistles that come with an iPod. I like that I can clip this and forget it as they say. It's also got a speed changer, so when I load an audiobook I can speed up the sound to get through the book faster! I'm all about efficiency! I got my mp3 at Walmart for $50 a few months ago. You can charge it on your computer with your normal USB charger, or use your cell phone charger, or even your Garmin charger. They all seem to fit and work! :)

My interval timer:  

I'm doing my pace of jog 4 minutes, walk 1 minute tomorrow.  Here's how!  I love my Gymboss! 

My shoes:

ASICS Gel Foundation is where it's at for me.  I'm a classic overpronater, and these keep my ankles safe & secure!  I love the support and structure. 

My run/walk clothes:

Remember these babies?  Yes, it's classic Old Navy  workout wear.  They provide good coverage, a pocket to clip my "clip" into, and no chafing!  :)  I just looked online, and you can get them for even cheaper now!  Just $12 at Old Navy!

And, a tank top also from ON.  I, of course, need something underneath for more support.

I'm off to make some quinoa with roasted butternut squash & gorgonzola tossed in for dinner.  It's a modified carbo-load!  :)

Have a great weekend, and I'll let you know how the run goes!


  1. Hey! I just found your did your race go?

    I also wear Asics Gel Foundation running shoes. They've really helped my shin splints but I'm not sure if I'll buy them again or look elsewhere. The arch might be just a bit too high for me since it started causing blisters on the arch of both feet. As long as I put on band-aids before I run they seem to do okay. I guess no shoe is perfect right?

  2. I'm loving those ASICS Gel Foundation - Found you over at Tracey Clarks site. We have something in common and your fitness shares have inspired me!
